In-Reply-To: My MPLAB-ICD is all converted to the latest version now. While I was fitting the changed resistors I also removed the MAX232 and fitted a 16 pin DIL socket for that so I could fit a MAX232A. The MPLAB-ICD seems to communicate with the PC much more reliably with a MAX232A. The reason is possibly because the external capacitors fitted in the MAX232 circuit are only 0.1uF which is okay for the MAX232A but much smaller than the suggested value for the MAX232 (non A) by Maxim. I would suggest that anyone who's MPLAB-ICD module has a MAX232 rather than a MAX232A consider changing it to a MAX232A. Be careful though - getting the old MAX232 out without damaging the board pushed my soldering skills to the limit. Hint: don't try and get the chip out in one piece - cut all its pins off and remove the pins from the board one by one. Another possibility would be to change the 0.1uF capacitors C5,C6,C7 & C8 to a higher value - say 1uF tantalum beads. Refer to a MAX232 data sheet for connection polarity. Brian Gregory.