> how can I only uses 5 cpu I/O pin for 16 keyborad keys input? > THANK!!!!!!! You might have a look at our EDE1144 4x4 matrix keypad encoder IC. It will allow you to read all sixteen keys using a single I/O pin, and adds features such as key debouncing, keybeep, and automatic repeat when a key is held. A datasheet is available at http://www.elabinc.com/chips.htm One tremendous advantage to using the EDE1144 over other keypad IC's is that the keys are NOT continuously scanned (continuos scanning can cause unintended radiation from the wires leading to the keypad). Instead, stable voltages are held on the keys and a query cycle scans once per keypress. Todd Peterson E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc. (816) 257-9954 FAX: (816) 257-9945 http://www.elabinc.com