The variation in ON resistance has no effect until you load the ouput of the mux. The input of a PIC A/D is a pretty high resistance, much higher than the mux. The other concern is OFF resistance or leakage current. How will the voltage on nonselected channels affect the selected one? I have used one level of 4051's with 10K pots and gotten at least 8 bit resolution with a 16c74 (I can get a stable reading with variation only at the "bit boundary" areas of the pot). To get 64 analog inputs, how about a single level of 4051's driving 8 analog inputs on the PIC? I did this for 24 inputs. Harold FCC Rules Online at Lighting control for theatre and television at ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: