RE: 16-bit arithmetic in C

Sorry about the name cock-up Clyde.  How embarrasing.

OK, I've just tried this code:
#include <pic.h>

unsigned int count;

void main( )
        count = (CCPR1H << 8) + CCPR1L;

Compiled through MPLAB which produces the following command line:

This gives me:

        movf    22,w    ;volatile
        movwf   btemp+1
        clrf    btemp
        movf    21,w    ;volatile
        addwf   btemp,w
        movwf   _count
        movf    btemp+1,w
        btfsc   3,0
        incf    btemp+1,w
        movwf   _count+1

I was sure I must be doing something screwy here, so I have re-installed V8.75 just to make sure I had the right version and the results are the same.

Your idea of using it directly is superb, I just wouldn't have thought of that.  However it obviously only works in the minority of cases, a more general solution is needed for most jobs.


Mike Rigby-Jones