Just a thought, if at some stage you are forgetting to set the RS line correctly, then characters for display would be interpreted as commnads, and change the mode? I'm using the powertip 20x2 large character display (from RS) and it is working fine. Hope this helps, good luck, Andy -----Original Message----- From: robert hodkinson [mailto:bag.it@CABLEOL.CO.UK] Sent: 21 March 2000 22:24 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: LCD display problem... I have a similar but more problematic situation. I'm also using a HD44780 based lcd (PowerTip PC1601, 16 x 1 character). I can program it alright and get all sorts of text on it... BUT! When I initialise it to 16 characters worth, it starts out as that, but after a few clear screens and writing characters to it, it flicks to 8 characters (and the contrast improves). After a few more writes it flicks back to 16 characters and so on. I've tried putting 100us delays pre and post waiting for the Busy bit to clear (LCD busy bit) to some success, but it is still flicking between 8 and 16 character modes. Has anyone else encountered this problem? help? robert. P.S. When I write to it, the 0x09th character is the 0x09th, not the 0x40h'th character, if that helps? -- Robert Hodkinson, SF nut and a Render-head. www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/5939 reply email is bag.it@cableol.co.uk