I would start off by having a  look at some of the applications available for the PIC range at the microchip website, www.microchip.com. Since you know basic, it might be worthwhile to have a look at the Parallax Basic Stamp device, which is, as I understand it, a small PIC board with useable I/Os and built in Basic interpreter. (I have never used it, since I don't use Basic and design my boards myself.) I don't know their website, maybe somebody on the list can point to it.
There are temperature sensors available from Dallas, that use their 1-wire interface serial protocol. I've used it in a few projects and it is very easy to implement with a PIC. The other variables you want to monitor and display depend on the type of sensor you choose how you are going to interface it to the PIC. How are you going to display it on the dash? LCD readout? Arrays of LED's?  If you need to use arrays of LED's, you can use shift registers to output the data serially from the PIC and onto cascaded shift registers. Another way is to use I2c port expanders (PCF8574) and implement the 2-wire I2c protocol. The shift registers one is probably both cheaper and easier.
It boils down to getting some background information on how the PIC functions, how many I/O's you have available on the different PICs, and then fit your hardware around that. All the rest is programming, which depends on whether you use Parallax or native PIC assembler, or even a C compiler like the $99 one from CCS. You'll need some kind of a PIC programmer as well. I have a PicStart Plus, but probably hobbyists would prefer a cheaper solution like the PIC16F84 programmer design floating around on the net. I believe you'll get a lot info on that in the archives. O yes, add the normal set of frustrations of debugging :-). But then, if it was that easy, who'd pay us embedded engineers for making things work? And what would be the fun in it for a hobbyist?

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----- Original Message -----
From: cwagner@INFO2000.NET
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 6:24 AM
Subject: New Member

I just got onto the list this evening and haven't had much time
looking through the archives(need a password) and the same goes
for doing anything with the PIC.  The reason I am interested in the
PIC is that it seems to fit the bill for what I want to do.  The project
I have in mind is making a digital automotive instrument
display(dash).  I want to display information like temp, oil pressure,
fuel, volts, speed, RPM's and milage.  I have done programming in
QBasic but none in the PIC language.  Where do I begin?  What
kind of ship should I use?  A minimum of parts would be great
since there isn't much room in the vehicle I hopefully will be putting
this in.