There's some basic problem in code attached [It just looks long, its a lot of cut & paste work!]. What its supposed to do is multiply a 24bit no. with an 8bit number [say CONST00 with multiplier 0007h] and store the result in a new 32-bit var (SUM3:SUM2:SUM1:SUM0). Then I have to add the next product, i.e. the product of CONST01 and 0007h to the above 32-bit sum, and so on. Also, my summing segment  wouldn't work (how can I take the carries into account?)
Errors generated during building: None
Logical Error: Has to be somewhere - as the different registers don't change at all??? (Please help)
Thanks in advacne for your help/advice.
 PROD3  equ  10  ; products
 PROD2  equ  11
 PROD1  equ  12
 PROD0  equ  13
 TWOFOUR3 equ  14  ; multiplicand
 TWOFOUR2 equ  15
 TWOFOUR1 equ  16
 TWOFOUR0  equ  17
 mulitiplier equ  18  ; multiplier
 SUM3  equ  19  ; Sum
 SUM2  equ  20
 SUM1  equ  21
 SUM0  equ  22
 #define  CONST00  0x082613
 #define  CONST01  0x0
 #define  CONST02  0xfFF26
 #define  CONST03  0x0
 #define  CONST04  0x28BE61
 #define  CONST05  0x400000
 #define  CONST06  0x28BE61
 #define  CONST07  0x0
 #define  CONST08  0xFF26
 #define  CONST09  0x0
 #define  CONST10  0x082613
 #define  multiplier 0x007
;*************************************RESET VECTOR****************************************
 ORG 0000h
;**********************************INTERUPT VECTOR****************************************
;******************************************* MAIN PROGRAM ********************************
 movlw  (const00 >> 16)
 movf  twofour2
 movlw  ((const00 >> 8) & 0xFF)
 movf  twofour1
 movlw  (const00 & 0xFF)
 movf  twofour0
 goto  mult24x8
 goto  multloop
 goto  suminit
 goto  sum
 movlw  (const01 >> 16)
 movf  twofour2
 movlw  ((const01 >> 8) & 0xFF)
 movf  twofour1
 movlw  (const01 & 0xFF)
 movf  twofour0
 goto  mult24x8
 goto  multloop
 goto  sum
 movlw  (const02 >> 16)
 movf  twofour2
 movlw  ((const02 >> 8) & 0xFF)
 movf  twofour1
 movlw  (const02 & 0xFF)
 movf  twofour0
 goto  mult24x8
 goto  multloop
 goto  sum
 goto $
;**************************MULTIPLICATION ROUTINE***************************************
        clrf    prod0           ; Clear the product
        clrf    prod1
        clrf    prod2
        clrf    prod3
        clrf    twofour3        ; Clear the top byte of the multiplicand
        movf    mulitiplier,W   ; Check to see if eight bit is empty
        btfsc   STATUS,Z        ; Done if zero
        bcf     STATUS,C        ; clear carry
        rrf     mulitiplier,F   ; Get the next bit
        btfss   STATUS,C        ; Add if carry is set
        goto    multshift       ; shift only if 0
        movf    twofour0,W      ; Add the 32 bits of multiplicand to product
        addwf   prod0,F         ; each addwf sets the carry
        btfsc   STATUS,C        ; Don't increment if no carry
        incf    prod1,F         ; Add one to next byte if carry occured
        movf    twofour1,W      ;
        addwf   prod1,F         ;
        btfsc   STATUS,C        ; Don't increment if no carry
        incf    prod2,F         ; Add one to next byte if carry occured
        movf    twofour2,W      ;
        addwf   prod2,F         ;
        btfsc   STATUS,C        ; Don't increment if no carry
        incf    prod3,F         ; Add one to next byte if carry occured
        movf    twofour3,W      ;
        addwf   prod3,F         ;
        bcf     STATUS,C        ; clear carry
        rlf     twofour0,F      ; Shift the 24 bits one bit to the left
        rlf     twofour1,F
        rlf     twofour2,F
        rlf     twofour3,F
        goto    multloop
;**************************ADDITION ROUTINE***************************************
 clrf sum3;
 clrf sum2;
 clrf sum1;
 clrf sum0; 
 movf  prod3,w
 movf  sum3
 movf prod2,w
 movf sum2
 movf  prod1,w
 movf  sum1
 movf prod0,w
 movf sum0