I posted this yesterday, but had a return from this list server saying it had already been posted. I've checked I only sent it once! It seems to have made it into the archive, but I'm not sure if it ever got sent to the other people on the list. Since I got no reply I'm trying again. Sorry if this means you folks get it twice! Folks, A few weeks ago there was a discussion about how to deal with a 16 bit timer based on TMR0 (high byte maintained by software int. handler) and in particular with the problems associated with reading it inside of an interrupt routine. Basically the issue was how to deal with TMR0 wrapping from FF to 0 during execution of code in the (non TMR0) interrupt routine. Now shortly after that I saw on a web-site what looked like a really neat solution to this problem. Basically it made use of the fact the writing to TMR0 suspended the auto increment for two cycles. It then proceeded to test the T0IF flag and sort out the high byte of the 16 bit timer. At the time I had no need of this code. Guess what! Yup I now need it and I can't find the web site. So does anyone know which site I was looking at (I seem to remember that the site had a lot of other tips etc.). If not anyone know what the code sequence should be. I've tried various things and I can't make it work for me (with my ICE 2000 and 16C71 emulator). Help Andy