Since MP3 players are all the rage now, people are holding PIC IDE code close, either because they believe they will make money with it, or because they can't see themselves giving away something that may have taken them a long time to develop. This is one of the things I would like to make just to give away, but I lack the time... However, I might have an incentive for someone who does develop the code. I have a 2GB 2.5" laptop HD (new) which I might give away to whoever develops open-source code for IDE interfacing (completely free for all use - including commercial)... It wouldn't be worth the time of a PIC professional (the HD is only worth ~$120 [US]) since it would probably take more than a few hours to develop and test. I'll have to think about this a bit more. OK, here's what I will do: I am offering a new 2.something GB laptop HD (5V, IDE, 2.5") for someone to develop IDE interfacing code using an 16f87x microcontroller. The code must be capable of performing both reading and writing to IDE HDs of greater than 8GB. The code will use no outside parts (ie, a full implementation will include only the HD and the PIC) The code must be modular. Efficiency is not important, as others will improve it later if needed. I am only slightly familiar with the IDE interface, but I understand there are many data transfer modes. This implementation needs to at least support a small black transfer mode (around 1k?). You must be agree to give the code to the community free of any restrictions (except crediting you as the original author) such that any person or entity can use it without charge. This means you cannot use proprietary code, and you have to be able to show that you are the full copyright owner of the code. In other words, if there is to be any sort of license (such as GPL or BSD or other) then the I will choose it. If you use any modules, libraries or other code within your IDE code you must also agree to release that code as well. Code must be fully commented (1 comment for every two lines in assembly, 1 comment of every line in a higher level language). It can be in C, Assembler, or a language of your choice. If you choose a language other than assembly then one of the following must be true: 1) The compiler is free, or your code example must completely compile under the free version of the compiler you choose. 2) You also completely comment the assembly listing (1 comment for every two lines) The required implementation of this code is: The PIC will be a HD controller and interface to a serial port of the computer. The computer can issue commands as to where to read and write and can send data to the HD through the port. There is no need to implement any sort of file system (though I don't mind if you do ;-), though a command set will have to be developed. Preferably the serial commands are ascii such that one can control the HD with a regular terminal program. A sample program for controlling the HD either from the a computer (IBM, DOS or WINDOWS) or from another PIC must also be included. To participate, send your code to me. I will verify that it works as expected. I will announce it to the PICLIST, and any other entries will be accepted for 1 week after the first entry (I will, of course, not release anything until the 'winner' is announced). If any additional entries are submitted during that time then they will be verified, and judged by a few independant PIC people for ease of use (how easily does it integrate with other projects, and do any of the judges have difficulty setting it up), speed/efficiency, size, and how much of the IDE protocol was implemented. This contest is open to all up until JUNE 1, 2000. I may choose to continue it after that, but I might not. Entries accepted until Midnight, GMT, JUNE 1, 2000, except in the case that the first entry is received within a week of the end time. In that case the contest will extend until 1 week after the first entry is accepted. If there are multiple entries then I may buy more stuff and judges will choose a first, second and third place. The other prizes might include a MAS MP3 decoder kit (BFB-MPEG3-003 FULL KIT from http://www.IMBDEV.COM/ ), PIC parts, books, etc. Suggestions appreciated. All entries must agree to all terms outlined in this email, and must state that they are willing to do so in their entry. I will not choose judges until I receive two entries. I retain the right to change these terms up to Tuesday, March 21st, 2000, or the time the first entry is received, whichever comes first. Please expect a web page about this contest to be up in the near future, located at Check there for any updates, changes, etc. I am assuming that there are many people on this list with more time than money, who could develop this. Of course, I could be completely wrong, and the hard drive will sit in my basement until I get around to a project which needs one... You decide. -M. Adam Davis Micro Basics P.S. I am not a lawyer, nor did I consult with one. Do not consider this to be a sweepstakes of any sort, it is a contest and is dependant on your willingness to give your working code away free. There may be restrictions to your participation depending on your government. I'm doing this in good faith, please do not take advantage of me because of my words. I just want to contribute to the PIC community, and I have a hard drive I can contribute. P.P.S. I am open to suggestions on ways to improve this contest or the terms within it. Please comment! terry anson wrote: > > Has anyone programed a pic to interface with a hard drive? I want a large > storage area for mp3's that are to be streamed to a decoder. any help would > be appreciated. Thanks. > terry