On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 11:21:09 +0100, you wrote: >I must draw a schematic *before* having some chips to play with... so, I >hope you PIClisters could give me an hand... > >Reading the datasheet, I understand that enabling LVP (which is on by >default) I can re-program the 16F876 in circuit, without >apllying Vhh on the /MCLR pin. But I loose RB3. > >But... given that I can firstly program the micro with "normal" (high >voltage) In Circuit Serial Programming, I'd insert a serial flash >loader. > >When the 16F876 reprograms itself via an UART connection, executing its >internal "flash loader" code, must the LVP bit be set ? No >Have I to give up to RB3 pin ? I'd power the micro with standard 5V, >however.. The LVP allows external in-circuit programming without a high voltage. Has no effect on 'internal' self-programming mode.