Last night I recompiled my C code for my project for the 16f876. The code was written for and works on the 16c66. It compiled perfectly fine, and programmed fine, but the chip isn't operating as expected. The code includes keypad reading, POT-type reading, LCD routines, and UART code. Everything works except the UART. Previously I could send characters over the uart to display on the LCD, and would receive temperature readings (via the POT command and a thermister) and keypresses over the UART. The UART does not send the initilaizing code on startup either. After fiddling with the wiring and testing the tx/rx with an LED I was able to get it to transmit keypresses and temp. readings. Any data I send, though, shows up as garbage on the LCD, and I still do not get the init string that should be sent over the UART on power-up. I've compared the registers for the two chips and all are exactly the same. I changed the program so that BGRH is low(setting spbrg accordingly), but get the same results. (just in case the BGRH problem of the 16c6x chips plagues the f87x chips as well... Didn't make a difference) I have a few other things I'll try, but I'm wondering if anyone has run into something similar or has some other suggestions. The code, schematic and other info can be found at for reference. Thanks for your input! -Adam