Peter, >so Andrew u don't feel that reading the data sheet is the best place to >start ? also in reference to your comment On the contrary, its a great help, just some things don't sink in or are hard to understand and it makes life easier when you have a working model as an example. >"Do you have any idea what a Kinesetic learner is? >Its a person that has the ability to learn by doing and comprehend concepts >in a different way to others, unfortunately on the down side these people >often are unable to comprehend written words the same as average people." >programing micros is rather dependant on the written word if some one can't >understand the written example in the data sheet then how is the written >word in an email different ? I am sure Steve is able to stick up for himself Think about it this way, you have read the manual and the information is not sinking in, or making sense, it appears to be just words on paper, then you read email that has exactly the same information frased in a different context or a concept written differently. Steve may be able to stick up for himself, then again would you after being essentially flamed? >. I struggled through school with dyslexia and still do to a lesser extent >if people adhered to your advice "If you don't have something constructive >to say then DON'T SAY IT !" >then my condition would not have been recognised ,all thing have a natural >order it is the way of life people are very good at spotting defects in >others and some times this is the only way problems come to light . so if u >have something on your mind SAY IT ! keeping quiet never helped anyone I suffer from dislexia as well, its fun when your writing a peice of code, Im also Kinesetic learner, both of these went undiagnosed for years and were not picked up at school, as a result I was branded as having a learning dissability. My point was please dont jump to conclusions about people, often thay can be the wron conclusion, especially over internet where you dont know the reason or background behind the person asking the question. When it was found that you had dyslexia did your tutors assist you or did they just ignore your situation. Regards Andrew