Use a 12c508 to generate 3 square waves with 120 degree offsets for the 3 leads your motor likely has. You'll also have to ramp the frequency so that the motor will track the drive rate and not slip. That's what I thought. I was hoping for a magic analog transistor circuit that did all that automagically (as well as producing real sine waves instead of square waves, maybe.) At least some of the drives have an identifiable "multiphase motor driver" CHIP, but it seems it is driven by a microprocessor (you supply a pulse stream and it convertts to multiphase/bipolar/etc, but you still have to ramp up the pulse rate and such, I think.) The problem will be that to get any kind of torque out of the motor I don't THINK I care much about torque. That's another design point - don't need much torque, don't need accurate speed... If you want a non-PIC solution you asked the wrong list . Maybe, maybe not! BillW