Dear PICsters, I have heard from a number of PIC list members who have successfully downloaded my LCD font and are using it with no problems at all. I have also noted that some of you who have dowloaded the font have experienced some difficulties getting Windows to recognize the font as a proper TTF font. I am not sure what the problem might be, but I think the problem is in the way the file gets transferred. At any rate I have placed a ZIPPED version of the TTF file on my website. I hope that this version gets through to everyone OK. Please e-mail me at and let me know if the zipped version clears up the problems. The zipped version is available at: For most people it is the LCDTTF.ZIP file that you would want, but there are also ADOBE Postscript versions at the web site for those who use Postscript printers or who use Adobe Type Manager. Note that fonts need to be installed after you have unzipped them. Fr. Tom McGahee