The requirement for capacitors on crystals when used with any microprocessor varies with the circuit inside the chip. Some chips require capacitors to oscillate, others dont. Some crystals require capacitors to oscillate, others dont. The differences in the gain of the inverter chip inside the micro, and the effective impedance of the crystal all combine to make life a bit of a black art in determining just what caps are required. having said that, most chip manufacturers have got themselves organised to design the oscillator portion of the chip so it is pretty laid back about the crystal characteristics, and most crystal manufacturers now make crystals which are well enough defined in their characteristics to always oscillate with any micro. If you find a crystal that does not work, then it is most likely at an extreme of the characteristic of either the micro or the crystal. It can sometimes be made to oscillate by fitting one or two capacitors to shift the oscillation frequency enough to change the effective impedance of the crystal, thereby getting enough phase shift around the loop. It is possible to change the frequency of oscillation using capacitors, but this would really only be necessary if you were wanting to use the micro for a clock, as in the type of clock displaying the time. If you were wishing to time stamp data collection functions I suspect you would probably find it more cost effective to have a separate dedicated clock chip you could read, or have a radio locked receiver listening to one of the 60khz time stations. Does anyone know where I can get info on the UK Rugby 60khz time transmissions used by the so called radio clocks? To change the frequency of a series tuned crystal, the normal method is to have both a capacitor and an inductor, which form a series resonant circuit at the frequency of interest. By varying either the capacitor or the inductor, the crystal sees a change in the impedance in series with it. If the series resonant circuit is tuned so that at the nominal series frequency of the crystal, the circuit looks inductive, then the crystal will operate at a frequency where the crystal has a matching capacitive impedance. If the resonant circuit is tuned to look capacitive, then the crystal will operate at a frequency where it will look inductive. There are various problems to using a crystal as a series tuned device, so in the sort of circuit used for micros this is not usually done. Unless the crystal is very carefully made, it is highly likely to try and run at an odd multiple of its fundamental frequency, and so this almost always requires a tuned circuit somewhere around the oscillator at the desired frequency. This is generally done as a series resonant circuit in series with the crystal, which has the advantage of frequency trimming as mentioned above. Some notable oscillator units that did this sort of thing in the past were the original oscillator block for the 8080 micro, and I think the one for the 8086 also. In short I just about guarantee that a one chip micro, or any chip with an onboard oscillator is using a parallel resonant crystal.