Hi list. I am currently designing a playstation controller interface using a 16F877 @ 4MHz. (i want to control a couple of motors with the original PSX controller) I communicate with the controller using the SPI module @ 250 kHz SPI clk, which works fine, however i am not getting a response from the PSX-controller. When measuring on the PSX-controllers SDO all i can see is approx. 100 mV cross talk from the SDI. I have tried to connect pull-ups/downs with no luck. Here's the sequence i am using : Lower ATT pin (get controllers attention) Transmit 0x80,0x42 and 7 times 0x00 Rise ATT. (normally 0x80 should be 0x01, but PSX uses LSB first - F877 uses MSB first- and i have tried both) Anyway, after i have transmitted 0x80, the controller should respond with a controller ID during the transmission of 0x42, but i get nothing. I can measure the CLK and 0x80 and 0x42 perfectly with my scope. Does anybody have an idea ? (At one point i thought i'd fried the controller, but then i connected it to a playstation and it still works fine) Best regards Jan Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Jan Lund (E-mail).vcf" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Jan Lund (E-mail).vcf" Attachment converted: wonderland:Jan Lund (E-mail).vcf (????/----) (000180C0)