Fellow PICsters, Please read this entire post. It may look like my earlier post, but it contains some new information. Click on this URL to download the fonts described below: http://redrival.com/mcgahee I just finished producing a TrueType Font that is based on the character set found in the Hitachi HD44780 LCD Controller. This is the controller used in MOST of the LCD display modules used by PIC list members. Hex 0x00 to 0x1f are blank, as shown on the data sheet. Hex 0x80 to 0x9f are blank, except for 0x91-0x94, which I took the liberty of assigning the Windows standard single and double left and right quotes. This was done so that quotes will show up OK when using a word processor. All the other characters are exactly as shown in the Hitachi data sheet. I could have made a character set that looked nicer, especially for characters that have descenders, but I wanted *this* LCD character set to be as much like the Hitachi set as possible. This font is perfect for visualizing what your display will look like with various text on it. I used my word processor and put text in a window that I filled with two lines by sixteen characters. I put a black frame around the box and changed the background color of the frame to a light green color, and the result looks just like my backlit display! I have placed all the TrueType, Adobe Postscript for Windows and Adobe Postscript for Unix versions on my website. Download them now, as I cannot guarantee that they will be there forever. I did this a labor of love. I am making the TrueType Font freely available to one and all. You may place it on your own web sites or freely distribute it in any way you want, so long as you do not charge anything for the font. It is meant to be free. Please let me know what you think about these fonts. I have been thinking about making a nicer looking LCD font that would incorporate a two cell descender so letters like "pqy" would look nicer. If I do this, I will also make a few minor changes to letters like "S", and throw out the Japanese characters and put in some more useful symbols. Note that this font would NOT match any LCD module out there, but it might be useful in its own right as a special Font for those special projects, etc. Let me know what special symbols you think should be included. Fr. Tom McGahee