Over the last year Don McKenzie and I have had a bad track record in selecting ISP's. (We need american ISP's because the bulk of our business is done there.) 1. One ISP we both use is closing at the end of february. He was small, we got personal service but... Now we have 4 domains to transfer 'somewhere'. 2. Our main ISP (prowebsite.com) changed all access passwords back in october without bothering to tell its customers first. Then the process of actually getting the new passwords took international phonecalls and rude words. Emails were rejected! Ben Wirz (wirz.com) has just left them and I want to. I looked at one ISP last week (serve.com) and I asked a couple of basic questions. I got told (in essence) we will answer you after you sign up! A second ISP had NO telephone numbers for tech help. A third I looked at only had an internal USA toll-free 800 number with no number to call from outside the USA. But I read last week of a Web Host Guild - whg.org This seems to be a group of ISP's (I guess 50 or so) which seem to meet minimum criteria. I have found several ISPs who seem to be internationally minded. A few were still just american - centered. So I would recommend to anyone, particularly outside the USA, to look thru the list on whg.org as a starting point. sitehosting.net appeals to me at the moment because of the streaming video and audio it supports. (I have this fantasy of doing a video soon to welcome people with the latest kits etc.) I definitely want Windows support to support the programs that Macromedia produce (Director.) It also had the FAQ's which answered my basic questions which serve.com did not have. I would be interested in recommendations of other american-based ISP's used by people way outside the USA who find they are getting excellent service. regards, Peter Crowcroft DIY Electronics (HK) Ltd PO Box 88458, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong Voice: 852-2720 0255 Fax: 852-2725 0610 Email: peter@kitsrus.com Web: http://kitsrus.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------