At 03:22 PM 2/16/00 -0600, Scott wrote:
> > ;copyright 1999 by robert a labudde, all rights reserved
>If you copy right it, you gotta make it the fastest. Right? :)
Wrong! Simply the best ...
Cycles don't matter for sure in a 20 ms debounce routine. I also usually
have program memory 'to burn' (good pun, huh?), so a few bytes don't count
either. Mostly my criteria are flexibility and clarity.
I copyright everything as a matter of course. Most people don't know that
the author owns the copyright even without the comment. You just have to
notify the user before taking legal action.
> > Debounce:
> > movf DEBOUNCE_PORT,w ;get current port value
> > andlw DEBOUNCE_MASK ;strip desired bits only
> > xorwf DEBOUNCE_OLD,w ;find still changed bits
> > andwf DEBOUNCE_BITS,f ;keep only changed ones
> > xorlw h'ff' ;complement w
> > andwf DEBOUNCE_OLD,w ;find unchanged bits
> > iorwf DEBOUNCE_BITS,f ;merge with debounced
> > return
>Where does DEBOUNCE_OLD get updated?
Whoops! I wrote this routine in Nov. 1999 based on a QuickBasic test
program version. I haven't used the routine yet in a PIC. I apparently
dropped a line in transcription. I've attached a corrected version of the
ASM, and also a copy of the QuickBasic program to show how I test logic and
math programs. It works great, and it's interactive.
I haven't got around to checking your modifications yet, but they look
interesting. The chief advantages seem to be slightly shorter code. What's
important to me, though, is that the steps mimic my thinking, so I can
eventually debug or change it. If it's too tricky, it may result in errors
at the boundary conditions.
Thanks for the critique.
'11.30.99 18.30 DEBOUNCE.BAS
'copyright 1999 by robert a labudde, all rights reserved
'debounce 8 bit port in 7 instructions (PIC)
'NOTES: iDebounced will give debounced state. This will only be updated
' if changed bits persist over 2 call cycles. If only occur on 1
' cycle, then bits remain unchanged.
' It is important that do not call loop more often than 2x the
' required debounce time T.
'created: 11.30.99 by r.a. labudde
DEF fnhex2$ (i) = RIGHT$("00" + HEX$(i), 2)
iPort = 0 'initial state
iOld = iPort 'copy
iDebounced = iPort 'debounced version
iMask = &H3 'only first two bits
u$ = "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \"
InputLoop: REM this loop would be executed every T/2 ms, where T is interval
INPUT "iPort: ", iPort
iW = iPort 'tranfer to working register
iW = (iW AND iMask) 'only relevant bits
iW = (iW XOR iOld) 'find different bits
iDebounced = (iW AND iDebounced)'set different bits
iOld = (iW XOR iOld) 'flip changed bits
iW = (iW XOR 255) 'complement changed bits = unchanged bits
iW = (iW AND iOld) 'merge with iOld
iDebounced = (iW OR iDebounced) 'merge with debounced
PRINT USING u$; BinToAscii$(iPort); BinToAscii(iW); BinToAscii$(iOld); BinToAscii(iDebounced)
GOTO InputLoop
FUNCTION BinToAscii$ (iBin)
a$ = ""
iNum = iBin
iDiv = 128
FOR i = 8 TO 1 STEP -1
iBit = iNum \ iDiv
IF iBit = 1 THEN
iNum = iNum - iBit * iDiv
a$ = a$ + "1"
a$ = a$ + "0"
iDiv = iDiv \ 2
BinToAscii$ = a$
;02.17.00 15.40 DEBOUNCE.ASM
;copyright 1999,2000 by robert a labudde, all rights reserved
;debounce routine for pic ucontroller
;created: 11.30.99 by r.a. labudde
;changes: 02.17.00 ral, fix DEBOUNCE_OLD update
;----------------------------- CONSTANTS
; DEBOUNCE_PORT = port to debounce
; DEBOUNCE_MASK = and mask for bits in port
;----------------------------- VARIABLES
; DEBOUNCE_OLD = register for old state
; DEBOUNCE_BITS = latest debounced bits
;............ Initialize debounce variables (1x)
movf DEBOUNCE_PORT,w ;get current port and
andlw DEBOUNCE_MASK ;get only bits needed
movwf DEBOUNCE_OLD ;save in old and
movwf DEBOUNCE_BITS ;and debounced
;............ Debounce routine @ 1/2 debounce interval. Call every T/2.
movf DEBOUNCE_PORT,w ;get current port value
andlw DEBOUNCE_MASK ;strip desired bits only
xorwf DEBOUNCE_OLD,w ;find still changed bits
andwf DEBOUNCE_BITS,f ;keep only changed ones
xorwf DEBOUNCE_OLD,f ;complement changed bits in copy
xorlw h'ff' ;complement changed bits & unchanged bits
andwf DEBOUNCE_OLD,w ;merge with copy
iorwf DEBOUNCE_BITS,f ;merge with debounced
Robert A. LaBudde, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAFS e-mail:
Least Cost Formulations, Ltd. URL:
824 Timberlake Drive Tel: 757-467-0954
Virginia Beach, VA 23464-3239 Fax: 757-467-2947
"Vere scire est per causae scire"