In a message dated 2/17/00 0:36:02 AM EST, joeh100@CROSSWINDS.NET writes: << I am trying to transmit data to a pic, from my computer. I am having terrible results with this though. I believe my pic program works??? Anyway I looked at the data coming from my comm port on my scope and I don't recognize the format. It isn't the 8-N-1 format that I am shooting for. How do I send a single number in qbasic as the 8-N-1 format. This is what I have tried, when I look at it on my scope I get like a 14 bit word...Help. 10 OPEN "COM1: 1200, N, 8, 1, RS, DS" AS #2 20 A% = 1 30 PRINT #2, A% Thanks, Joe >> Joe, 'To send a hex value you must do assign variable = Chr$(&H55) where 55 is the hex value. then print #2,variable