The usual method is by means of a "tipping bucket" device. It is essentially two chambers either side of a pivot which are a lot easier(for me) to sketch than describe. A gathering funnel is placed over the pivot point and as one chamber fills, it upsets the center of gravity and tips. This places the other chamber under the funnel and empties the first chamber. This repeats back and forth and the "tips" are counted electronically. Quantitation is derived from the volume of the chambers and the area of the gathering funnel. The larger the gathering area and smaller the chamber volume, the more sensitive the device in terms of tips per unit time. A search on "rain gauge" AND "tipping bucket" should yield both commercial versions and, perhaps, a home-brew unit. Email me directly and I'll scan my sketch if you don't have any luck. Steve Kerrin (a new lurker and learner) Escondido, CA Wesley Moore wrote: > I have a friend interested in making his own logging weather station. I > was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to measure rainfall for such > a project. > > ___________________________________________ > Wesley Moore > RMIT - BEng/BApp.Sc. 2nd Year > > >