"A TINY COMPUTER no bigger than an asprin and costing less than $1 may soon let your Internet Web browser control almost any AC-powered electronic product inside and around your house." The ipic has been discussed here before (it's widely suspected of being something between a "fraud" and a "rather misleadingly described.") The original info is on http://www-ccs.cs.umass.edu/~shri/iPic.html, although the "live demo link" apparently went offline in Sep-99 and has not been restored yet (very suspicious! Went offline just as people stopped going "wow" and started to probe for 'degree of realness') It now think that it is close to trivial to add some form of "full tcp web server capability" to nearly any microcontroller, but that's starting to hit pretty close to home and I can't say much about HOW till I get permission. BillW