> When we design Internet connected appliances, we need to move our minds > away from how we perseive today's "traditional" appliances. How do we do > that? To come up with a real "killer app" appliance, I think (no pun > intended) we need to relook at appliances with the possibility that major > life style changes are likely to occur. Is shopping at a Grocery store > going to change because some appliance preorders - could grocery shopping > instead be a "take out" or "drive thru" event? Can clothes be processed > totally - how about a bar code on each shirt and the washer/dryer adjusts > automatically. May be that the physical size of a washer/dryer could > change and become much smaller but utilize a conveyer or hopper to process > each garmet separately. > > Maybe we could have GPS enhanced vacume cleaners that would automatically > and hands free vacume the entire house while we are away at work. We > would first have to manually push the vacume cleaner and it would learn > the manual movements. Then being "internet connected" its possible that > the vacume cleaner's data pattern could be remotely analyzed and made more > efficient. How about if from work we instructed the vacume cleaner to > download a "screen saver" like pattern where we instruct the vacume > cleaner to vacume in a manner to create that pattern on the carpet for the > party we are going to have that night? > > Internet connected appliances DO have appeal -- it's just hard to put > oneself in a future lifestyle. And, we can surely say with confidence, > life style changes have occurred in the past and likely will change much > faster in the future. >