Service-Mate P700 made by Translectric Inc. (8 Amps at the outlet) 1-573-243-5186 they won't sell direct, but they will tell you where to buy. This device is designed to jump start 12-12 volts 12-24 volts and will provide 85 Vdc to an outlet. (Yes DC) Any brush motor including drills, saws, vacuum cleaner, and your leaf blower will run perfectly on 85 Vdc. You can also jump start a road grader or bulldozer with your car, from this thing. I have owned one for many years, I built a dock on my lake with it. Run 500 Watt quartz hologen lights at night and cut up the wood with a circular saw and drilled the holes during the day. Its a portable box with cables that connect to the battery in your car. Keep your car running if you plan to use it for a long period of time but for short term uses, it will run off of the battery. Gordon Varney > Looking for a way to power a leaf blower from a car battery for no more > than 10 seconds. > My leaf blower is 120 volt and 7.5 amps, so that would be 900 watts? > Any inexpensive ways to power my leafblower for 10 seconds at a time? The > cheapest inverters I can find for 1000 watts continous are about $500.00. > > Thanks > John