Hi I have having problems with he I2CREAD and I2CWRITE commands using PicBAsicPro (meLabs) for the 16 byte internal EEprom on a 12CE674 chip. I assume the eeprom is addressed from 0-15? When I ran this test code I got decimal 64 as the value read from each EEprom address. Even when I used a constant like 128 in the write command I still got 64 when I read the data back. Jeff (meLabs) mentioned a EECON power bit to enable the I2C EEprom, but I could find no reference in the data sheet. What am I doing wrong? Thanks Jon I used the I2C internal define and the following test code snip: DEFINE I2C_INTERNAL 1 CNTRL=$A0 'This is what Jeff at Melabs told me to use- neglect the read/write bit SCL var GPIO.7 'CE ONLY SDA var GPIO.6 'CE ONLY TEMP VAR BYTE MUX VAR BYTE TEMP=0 TEST: FOR MUX = 0 TO 15 TEMP=TEMP+5 I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,CNTRL,MUX,[TEMP] 'write test data PAUSE 25 NEXT FOR MUX = 0 TO 15 I2CREAD SDA,SCL,CNTRL,MUX,[TEMP] SEROUT SOUTLCD,N9600,[CLRLCD,"EEVAL",#MUX,"= ",#TEMP] PAUSE 1500 NEXT GOTO TEST