Alright, alright.... Ê I spent some time with this now.Ê I set the processor to 16C73A I tried the dt stuff.Ê That sure enough generates table enties. ent1 dt "123" assembles to retlw 0x31 retlw 0x32 retlw 0x33 Ê string db A'1',A'2',A'3',0x00 assembles to 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x00 bytes in ascending memory. No useless retlw opcode bytes shoved between them as with dt. Ê DONE! -----Original Message----- From: Thomas C. Sefranek [mailto:tcs@CMCORP.COM] Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 11:17 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Ascii constants Ê Michael Rigby-Jones wrote: Ê Well, I have to admitt I've just had a fiddle and it took quite a while to get a simple prog to compile with a constant ASCII string.Ê But I did it. testÊÊÊ dtÊÊÊÊÊ "This is a load of ascii",0x00 Works just fine for me.Ê The assembler choked when I tried to use db.Ê This is the beauty of C, I never get this kind of problems (although plenty of others...) Mike YES!Ê It works! !!! I just finished re-writing my code to use the return characters in the string.!!! -- Ê * Ê |Ê __OÊÊÊ Thomas C. SefranekÊ Ê |_-\<,_ÊÊ Amateur Radio Operator: WA1RHP Ê (*)/ (*)Ê Bicycle mobile on 145.41, 448.625 Mhz ARRL Instructor, Technical Specialist, VE Contact. Ê