Ballast resistor will make your circuit's productivity less than 21%, so terrible waste of energy, even being one of the most safe and cheap solution. With a productivity around 70 to 80% you could build a voltage inverter with discrete components (since it is difficult to find step-down chips with input voltage higher than 50Vdc). Perhaps a simple 200Hz oscillator made with logic gates (74HCT00) and a FET transistor driving a small power transformer (110 x 24) would generate around 16 Vdc. Your control circuit would simply turn on/off the oscillator. +80Vdc Diode | .------->|---o---------. Diode? 3:C | | 3:C | .-------. __-- 3:C 100µF === | Relay | .------------. | '--. --- '-------' Control----| Oscillator |--FET | | | | 200Hz | | | | | '------------' | '---------o---------' | | Gnd Gnd I guess this solution can cost you less than $15. For sure better designs can be made but this is the idea. Oscillator: $1 FET: $1 Transformer: $7 XFR1635Q (Jameco) Diodes+Cap : $2 Other idea is just use an adjustable pulse simetry oscillator, and drive directly the solenoid coil with a FET, you can call it a PWM driver. +80Vdc | 3 Relay Coil 3 & Diode | Assym | Control---Oscillator---FET On/Off 15%ON | | Gnd You should find the best oscillator frequency and simetry to keep the current curve never going above 700mA. I guess this would cost you less than $3. Wagner