I have a desire to do some really rough-scale temperature sensing with the 10 bit AD in my 16f873. I am looking for something like +/- 1-3 deg. C over the range 0-100C. I think I can do a single point cal at the time of manufacture. Here's my initial idea : find a stock resistor with a really crappy temp co. and measure a voltage across it. At 300PPM/deg. C, that gives me a delta of 3% over the temp range. If I did some clever voltage referencing I think I ought to be able to get at least 100 clicks in AD over that range, I just can't think of how. Keep in mind the operating word here is cheap. We want to temp sense stuff inside of our cases so that if there are failures we can go back and look at what the reported temp was in the box and see what is killing us. Thermistors seem to be in the $1-$2 range, and I'd like to be in the $0.10-$0.20 range. You guys got any ideas? Are crappy temp co. resistors linear, or at least monotonic at those temp ranges? Maybe I'd get a better temp variance with a capacitor and timing an RC delay.... TIA -E Erik Reikes Software Engineer Xsilogy, Inc. ereikes@xsilogy.com ph : (858) 535-5113 fax : (858) 535-5163 cell : (858) 663-1206