Very simple my friend... If you do use QBASIC, it's as simple as this: out 888, 0 'Turn 'em all off. And out 888, 1 'Turn bit 1 off. Some things to note... 888 is decimal for 378h (hex) which is the normal address for LPT1. If you're using LPT2, it would be 278h. It's very simple. So..instead of "out 888..." you could do "Out &h378". I hope this helps you....if not, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Tim Hamel In a message dated 1/29/00 8:33:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, ncs@WORLDNET.ATT.NET writes: > Ok, I want to send a bit to a PIC pin (w/weak pullup) > from a Centronics port. > > Does anyone have any code in > a readily-available language (Qbasic?) > that shows how to set a bit high/low? > > Something like the Basic equivalent of > > out LPTPORT, 00000001b ;(set D0 pin high) > out LPTPORT, 00000000b ;(set D0 pin low) > > I can also dredge up an old copy of Borland C. >