On Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:40:15 +1100, Agnes en Henk Tobbe wrote: >On an old - Elektor origin? - experimenting board, marked EMUF BASIC V2.1 >with the Basic 80C52 Basic processor I found two chips with the typenumber >ZN428E-8. Does anyone know or has available: > what the chip does? Hello, The ZN428E-8 are 8-bits D to A converters, with an input latch, an internal reference and R-2R ladder output ( not buffered ). I have a datasheet of 10 pages, dated november 1978. I can send you photocopies or fax it to you. Best regards. -- Peter Greuter E-mail mailto:pgreuter@teaser.fr Page Web http://www.teaser.fr/~pgreuter