I have a simple 16F84 LED flasher that is starting up weird. It's running off +5V from my PC, 4MHz resonator and has 8 LEDs via 330 ohm resistors to +5V (hooked to PortB). My code increments an 8 bit count every 256 timer interrupts. The main loop writes it to PORT. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ksidhu/flasher2.asm The code is rough and has a few bugs (LP O/c instead of XT), div256 instead of div16 like I wanted, but I figured it's hardware acting up. Here's what happens on applying power: 1. The Leeds show a normal binary countdown (expected as the LED's invert PORT) 2. The LED's show a normal binary countdown, with random Leeds much dimmer than the others. 3. The Leeds show a normal binary count UP, with all Leeds quite dim. __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _LP_OSC I replaced the PIC, tried MHz crystal, tried a MC34164 on MCLR, tried manually pulling MCLR low. There is good decoupling etc. Read AN522 and still puzzled. Help is appreciated. Ken