Hamish, The document you require is called the "Product Line Card". I am looking at the 4th quarter 1999 line card now and it lists the following 18 pin devices as having USART: PIC16F627 & PIC16F628 HOWEVER it also states that you should contact Microchip for availablity dates. Sorry, I dont know if these are currently available. You are right about the 28 pin parts there are many to choose from with USART. Another option may be to use two small PIC's, with one dedicated as a software USART? I'm new to the list so please let me know if I'm following all the correct guidelines and mail setups etc. Regards, Rob Kennedy novelmain@compuserve.com (UK) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Message text written by pic microcontroller discussion list > Are there are any 18-pin PICs with hardware UARTs? I couldn't find any by searching Microchip's web site. (I wish MicroChip had a way to search for devices like Atmel's web site does.) 18-pin is not essential, but the bigger 28 pin devices have a whole heap of peripherals I don't need -- multiple timers, lots of ADCs etc. All I need is a basic PIC (like an F84) with a hardware serial port. (Software serial just isn't doing the trick for me.) Bigger than 18 pin is just excessive for me at present, hence the desire for 18 pin. Atmel have 20 pin AVRs and 8051s that meet these specs, but I've only recently spent the time and money to learn PIC, build a programmer etc so I'd prefer not to jump ship already. thanks Hamish<