Well, not quite. If you have an interest in this area you may wish to look at the site in the next few days "just in case". RM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NASA Space Science News for January 7, 2000 The NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center will no longer support the production and maintenance of the http://science.nasa.gov site, effective 10 January 2000. Archive material that is in the public domain will be available courtesy of Bishop Web Works, at http://spacescience.com. Thank you for your readership over the past three years. John Horack Director, Science Communications NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center ============================================================ You are subscribed to NASA's Space Science News mail server. This is a free service. To UNSUBSCRIBE, or CHANGE your address on this service, go to http://science.nasa.gov/news/subscribe.htm Link for AOL users. home page: http://science.nasa.gov/ ============================================================