I've been a recent convert to Eagle PCB CAD, and even paid them $50 for a registered copy. I do pay my shareware bills, and I wish Jory would excommunicate all these guys offering CRACKED software on the PIClist! I hope that these crackers actually write some REAL software someday, and then get it ripped off, and then go broke making no money after being robbed. Here's my dillema. I need to panelize a PCB - it's a 2" X 2" board and I need 6 of them in a 4" x 6" layout. No problem in my old CAD systrem (which other than having panelization was useless). Eagle is a great software package, but it does not have a panelization option. How about just copying everything over and over? No good - I didn't buy enough square inches of EAGLE (crippleware, you know) to do a very big board. All my designs are really tiny! I found I could monkey-wrench a panelized version by making a gerber file, then making another with an offset, then another with another offset, and using a text editor and scrunching them all together, moving blocks of stuff around to fix the syntax of the file. Tedious, time consuming, and educational. I tried this old DOS trick: copy gerber1.gbr +gerber2.gbr +gerber3.gbr final.gbr which appends all the files together. My software can read it, but I don't really trust it very well. Anybody know if this would really result in a valid Gerber file? Is there any Gerber file editor out there that can panelize a gerber file without so much pain? Same issue with a drill file? I don't have a way of reading back a drill file to know if it is corrupt or not. -- Lawrence Lile