> > Byron, my man. you are doing it the hard way. I know. I know. But every time I start to look at inductors I get the willies. Every time I read a switcher datasheet, it seems to come up with an inductor component that's completely unavailable. The cross referencing you list below isn't a cut and dried activity. Also I'm trying to limit myself to stuff I can get in town here in Atlanta. Fortunately we have one of the few RadioShack.com stores which carries everything in their commercial catalog, including inductors. So I'm listening. > > The charge pump chips I have used are suited for low currents. I know you are > going to reinvent for more current, but why? 6+2.5 watts is not a place to > start breaking ground on leading edge inductorless concepts. > > National simple switcher (and linear tech and others, for that matter) show an easy > to build Buck-Boost that goes from +12 to -12 with a relatively easy cookbook > circuit. And even though a flyback would be a fabulous solution, yes, you need to > have them wound for you ($$$). The apps on the simple switchers show easy to get > toroid inductors. They list Schott, Pulse, and Renco. I quickly crossed a 68uH 2A > inductor to a Miller 5707 in Digikey. It is oversize, but what the hell, you are > only building one. I see this app under LM2576, near the end. It shows a 700mA > output, +12 to -12 converter. Build two of those, and you are in business! I see. I read that data sheet. Every other example show's an input voltage that's higher than the regulated voltage. > > Remember, when you build it and it has a massive amount of ripple, to go back to > the app note and study their recommended current path connection diagram. > Following layout practices like they say will take a horendously noisy switcher and > make it very manageable. The dead giveaway is when you ground the scope, then put > the probe tip on the same ground point, and you get lots of nasty noise. If so, it > is time to take an asprin and warm up your iron. Make the layout paths correct, > and recheck. I see that I can get the parts intown. Will take a crack at it. BAJ