Hello, I just started to learn Pic programming. Can someone comment on my coments about this program? org 0 clrf PORTB ; Clear all the bits in PortB This line clears PORTB to all 0's right? bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Goto bank 1 to set port direction This switches to bank 1 bcf TRISB & 0x07f, 0 ; Set bit 0 to output Here is where I have trouble. If I understand this correctly, this should take 00000000 and (and) it with 01111111. Am I right? bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Go back to bank 0 It then switches back to bank 0. Finished Goto $ end Another thing I want to know is how can you clear PortB if you don't switch banks first? I mean according to Mykes book, which is where I copied this program from, the above code says it is ok to clear PortB, but to set the I/O direction, you need to switch banks first. TIA, Brian ******************************************** Better Produce through Better Control ********************************************