If you're creating a square wave with a PIC, it'll sound buzzy. That's what square waves sound like. To change the tone you'll have to change the shape of the wave generated or pass it through a tone control or shaping circuit. A triangular wave is reasonably close to a sinusoidal wave and is quite a pleasant sound. It would be easier to generate that from a DAC than a sine wave, especially for different notes. A triangular wave passed through a simple bass & treble tone control would be pretty good. The tone control need not be an active one - an RC type would do, but you may have to compensate for lost signal level with some amplification. An op-amp or transistor mixer could do that. And an active TC doesn't necessarily need front panel pots, it can be done with cheap pre-sets. If you want to mix square wave frequencies, put each through its own tone control before you mix them. You could try to get at least some linear (ie not just 0V or 5V) values to reduce the harshness of the sound. Mixing frequencies means you'll end up with chords of some description, no problem to run those through a single speaker, otherwise we'd all have stereos with truck-sized speaker cabinets. If you haven't got a DAC-capable PIC, then you could use an external one to produce non-square waves. Another option could be to make your own with resistors and/or digital switches. A quad op-amp (LM324) could be used for 3 active tone controls and a mixer. A transistor on the o/p of the mixer could give a bit more ooomph to drive a small speaker. There'll be plenty of practical circuits out there to suit any application you're thinking of. Jinx