I have been marginally involved in the win2000 beta program, but not enough to be 'the authority' on it. To my knowledge WIN2000 is the child of the win95/98 and winNT union. It has been VERY difficult for Microsoft to integrate the user features of win95/98 into winNT, but the basic idea is they threw out a significant portion of the win95/98 code, took the rest and merged it with win2000. winNT, in theory, is all 32-bit code, and is NOT built on dos as was win3.1, win95 & win98. This is one of the main reasons they could not make a simple change from 95 to NT, much of 95 is written expecting the DOS subsystem to be there. winNT 4.0 includes programming which will allow you to run DOS programs that do not overstep security (such as memory/device/port accesses without the proper trusted device drivers). So if your programs run under both winNT 4 and win95/98 now, then they will very likely run under win2000, although slower than they do under win95/98. If you can't run them under winNT now, you will have issues to resolve. If your programs were written in C/C++ then it may be as simple as changing a few things and compiling a Windows Console application under Visual C. -Adam WF AUTOMACAO - KITS EDUCACIONAIS NACIONAIS wrote: > > Hi, :0 > > Must i start the conversion of my programs from DOS to WINDOWS > 2000? > > All my programs that talk with my microcontroller works in DOS > ENVIRONMENT... > > Someone said me that DOS no more will exist on WINDOWS 2000.... > > Miguel