Hello all, It appears an application I wish to design would best be done with some kind of PIC. I have absolutely ZERO experience with such, however, and would GREATLY appreciate your advice on a couple of questions: 1) Price: Right now, things are a bit tight, so I need to know the least costly entre into PICdom. This includes everything that would be necessary to get me started: the chip itself, support hardware, programming hardware, and programming software. I have Linux, DOS, and Win95 at home, so anything to reduce cost by using a PC would help. 2) Selection: How do I choose from the wide variety out there, from MicroChip PICs, to Parallax Basic Stamps, to who knows what else? Keeping cost in mind, and knowing that I am just a beginner who's not trying to make an application to control every last Christmas tree bulb in Boise (or, for that matter any Christmas lights), how do I determine the proper PIC to use? 3) General advice: Any other advice for a newcomer to this stuff? aTdHvAaNnKcSe (Thanks in advance). ________________________________________________ Get your own "800" number - Free Free voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more http://www.ureach.com