Summary: have 16F877, have Linux, have gpasm 0.0.7d, but where's a programmer I can use with a DT-001 or P16PRO40 (aka DIY KIT96)? After a six month absence from PIC coding, I'm back. I've gone bush, now living in outback Australia, and have some 12V batteries that need charge state monitoring. So I want an A/D to RS-232. I've purchased a few 16F877's, gone surfing through the web ring, scanned my complete PIClist archive, learned a heap. I find James Bowman's gpasm site dropped off, but found Scott's copy. Neat. Now, I hacked picprg 2.2 a while back for myself to support 12C508/9 chips, and didn't enjoy it. Has anyone hacked it for 16F877? I gather I can't just use it without making some change. Is there anyone using the Bojan Dobaj P16PRO40 design on Linux with 16F87x chips? Let's talk. Oh, I've also written up a few of my PIC projects for Technical Aid to the Disabled. has the pictures and schematics. Some of you may remember me as, or -- James Cameron