> __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _IntRC_OSC Aren't you supposed to combine configuration flags with '|' or '+', not '&'? ANDing together a series of bit flags is guaranteed to give you a zero - I'm not sure exactly what effect a zero has as the configuration word, but I suspect it's setting the PIC for an external clock or something else incompatible with how you've wired your circuit. > START MOVLW B'11000010' > MOVLW 0 > MOVWF GPIO > MOVLW 0 > TRIS GPIO > OPTION That first MOVLW is accomplishing nothing, since you immediately overwrite W with a zero. I suspect that the value 11000010 was intended to go into the OPTION register, but you inserted some other code in between. The main effect of your storing 0 in OPTION instead is to set the Timer0 prescaler to 1:2 instead of 1:8. This would make your LED blink 4 times as fast as it should, but wouldn't explain why it doesn't work at all - I'm pretty sure that the config word is your real problem. Jason Harper