I have my Data book in front of me right now...  16F or 16C508 doesn't exist as far as I can see...  This is not something easy to explain.  For the Mod Chip thing with the play station its 12C508.  The Pic16f84 is REALLY different in relation to the 12C508.  You can probably use the 16F84 in the place of the 12c508, but that requires NEW code designed for a PIC16f84.  And may I add...  What a waste, buy a 12c508 and then do it the way everybodies been doing it, and don't bother trying to re-invent the wheel.  You'll just end up with a wheel years behind what is actually out there.  My only advice if your really stuck is to check what ports are being used on the 12c508 and try to match those up to what is on 16f84.  I predict lots of trial and error for you if you can't figure it out from the code.  Post the code here and maybe somebody could tell you how it matchs the 12c508.
Darren King
----- Original Message -----
From: Joep Schro‘n
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 1999 4:42 AM
Subject: OT: Modchip for Pic16c/f84

Hello everyone,
A bit of topic, but I'am searching for installation instructions of the PIC16c of f84  Modchip (PSX)...
I have the sources but now I need them, I can't find the pictures of how to connect them... Or is it enought to look at the pic16c508 (they couldn't deliver him longer in Netherlands) and "number" them to the c84 ?
Any help would be fine!
Manny thank's,
                           Joep Schroen (PD3ROG)