Does anyone have any suggestions on how to read a validated 16-bit count from Timer1 in a mid-range PIC? I'm using Timer1 in timer-mode, driven by the instruction clock. The issue is incrementation during the read process. If the high byte is read and then the low, the rollover may occur on the instruction by chance. Is there a special trick to handle this, or do you actually have to stop the timer or go through extensive comparison and correct contortions? ================================================================ Robert A. LaBudde, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAFS e-mail: Least Cost Formulations, Ltd. URL: 824 Timberlake Drive Tel: 757-467-0954 Virginia Beach, VA 23464-3239 Fax: 757-467-2947 "Vere scire est per causae scire" ================================================================