I've been told that Profibus is essentially an RS485 network. Up to 12MBaud too. There are a couple of different "types" of Profibus. One geared towards sensors and actuators - FD I think. Profibus DP is for moderate communications bandwidths. i.e. controller communications. The third is designed more for process administration where lots of data is passed around. We've been using it for PLC to PC communications. Now being replaced by ethernet with a PLC "Web Server" module soon on the way. We'll then be able to give support staff a window into "what's happening" via a browser. Try www.profibus.com They've a pretty comprehensive site. Erik Darren Logan wrote: > > Hi > > Can someone describe the hardware and software behind profibus for me. > If anyone has any experience in it then please share it. > > I may need to implement the profibus protocol directly with a PIC - would > this be > possible ? > > Regrds, > Darren