OK. I checked the chips at Mitel site. The MH8612B seems like a reasonable choice for my project. As well, a couple of MT8809 crosspoint switch matrix chips should do the trick. I have already order a few TelTone call progress tone generators. Questions: - If you have used these, can I assume that the VR and VX are the pair that (via the matrix) actually connect to the telephone sets?? - Also, would you share how you generate your 90volt ring signal?? John Mullan -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Keelan Lightfoot Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 2:15 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Help: Connecting Phones Over the past week, I have been designing my own PBX, with capability for 16 lines and 4 trunks. I looked at all design options I had available to me for switching, voice transmission, etc., and the best I have found so far is a line of ICs by Mitel -- Their SLICs, COICs and analog switch matrix devices. With very few additional components, you could easily build a PBX. Have a look at http://www.mitelsemi.com Also, Teltone's (http://www.teltone.com) dial pulse counter ICs and progress tone generator ICs are helpful. Using the Mitel 'system', you can construct a PBX with no transformers or capacitors in the audio path -- Just connect the junctor on the SLIC to the analog switching matrix. Connect the right matrix points together and you have a connected call. - Keelan Lightfoot