Parts of this are happening on a pic, so it's not entirly unrelated. I need the actual specifications for a 10Base-T network. I'm talking about the actual signals traversing the wire between the card and the hub, not the packet formats, collision detection, etc. Is there a 10MHz carrier? Do the two devices simply send serial data at 10MHz, or is some other system going on here? How does a hub know when a card is connected - is there a certain keep-alive signal to tell it this, or do the lines have DC voltages to indicate a connection? I know there's an IEEE spec for this somewhere, but there has to be some public domain info as well - I'm just unable to find it. It may also be a possibility to use the AUI interface instead, but I have the same issue with that - NO information available anywhere I look. ANY pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Get HushMail. The world's first free, fully encrypted, web-based email system. Speak freely with HushMail....