I wrote some software to output programming info(using SPI: Data,Clock, and Enable) to a MC145158 PLL using a PIC16F84.  Simulated, it works perfectly.  On the hardware it works fine also.  But when the chip is finally connected to the device that is to receive the information, the chip just keeps putting out info forever.
I am stumped as to why, but here is more info on the situation.  The PLL to be programed operates at around 40MHz.  The oscillator is a mini-circuits POS-75P.  The desired product is a radio frequency synthesizer tunable across 4MHz.  The software outputs (MSB First) the N and A values for the PLL plus a control bit to change the frequency.  On powerup the reference frequency is programmed.  The software is perfect though.  The channel is incremented and decremented by a pair of buttons, but those are active low!  Could a weak RF signal cause the PIC to do that?  When the Oscillator was shut down, with the PLL on, the PIC still kept going.  What could be the problem?
Anthony Clay