Has anyone had experience or have ideas about compressing / decompressing English text with a PIC? I have an application that would benefit from having the PC that is sending data to the PIC compress text and then having the PIC expand it. The text is just standard English words, phrases, sentences etc... To make things more complex, the compressed text cannot use non-printable characters, i.e. we get only 96 possible values per byte or only one of the following patterns in each byte. 3 x 2^5 = 96 001x xxxx 010x xxxx 011x xxxx BCD numbers pack into this fairly nicely, 9 x 9 = 81 < 96 so each byte still holds two BCD digits. But 26 letters plus shift plus space don't seem to map well. (this is, of course, because they map perfectly) I was thinking that some Huffman compression system may exist that works well here? Easy to de-compress on a PIC is important as well. If you have good text compression / expansion code that produces binary, I can translate that into printable only but thought I would mention it on the chance that someone else has hit this before. If this sounds like a really weird application, think about this: if you wanted to make a device that could be updated via an email.... without running an application on the remote email users machine... just send the email and tell the user to connect the device and copy the email out... Anyone who has struggled with update files that get munched in transit or when the user on the other end can't figure out how to run your app or winzip (or doesn't want to or can't etc...) will see the utility here. And, of course, the smaller the email the better... James Newton mailto:jamesnewton@geocities.com phone:1-619-652-0593 http://techref.homepage.com NOW OPEN (R/O) TO NON-MEMBERS! Members can add private/public comments/pages ($0 TANSTAAFL web hosting) PIC/PICList FAQ: