This MAY yet involve a PIC (but, probably not). I want to see what's involved in talking to a USB video camera using a standalone processor. I'd like to avoid using a PC motherboard although this would very possibly provide the easiest get-you-going path. Assume lots of memory available - could be serial flash or whatever. PIC may be suitable but sheer data rate is daunting. Has anyone got any thoughts on how they would go about this. Ideas need not be well founded (although complete code and schematics will be gratefully :-)) What I'm looking for is ideas to seed possible development paths. The Cornell Autonomous Helicopter Project has some good links to various USB cameras (thanks). Matrox do a PC104 frame grabber which is one possible approach but USB is liable to be increasingly available and gives a nice "standard" and fairly fast interface which allows ease of swapping camera hardware. USB cameras are a wee bit slow far (will no doubt improve) so may not ultimately be the way to go. Russell McMahon _____________________________ >From another world - What can one man* do? Help the hungry at no cost to yourself! at (* - or woman, child or internet enabled intelligent entity :-))