Hi Folks, Those of you using or considering using my warp-13 programmer will be very happy to know that a completely new, dedicated software driver and help file is available for download. Features include: No time limit, No cost for WARP-13 owners. Over 100 PIC devices including 18Cxxx support (Via MPLAB) and latest FLASH and 16C7xx parts. 100% MPLAB compatibility. MPLAB interfacing instructions. Upgraded driver allows ISP or ICSP of all serial programmed pics. Online, context sensitive help and extensive cross links. In-built COMMs and voltage diagnostics with help. Help items linked to error and warning messages. Glossary of PIC and warp-13 terms. Pop-up PIC placement diagrams Multi-mode Code protection lockout/warning system of all types of batch and mixed OTP/JW programming modes. Mini FAQ but this will get bigger with downloadable help files. ToolTipText for most controls including context sensitive info explaining in English esoteric items like "ExtRC GP4" Adapter information. Unerasable PIC information. ISP port usage. In short, the warp-13 has gone from being the most poorly documented programmer to being easily amongst the best. with all applicable documentation (mostly scattered in my brain) brought together. I am looking for feedback even on the most trivial things like spelling mistakes. (not grammar though, it is too late for me...) Please download from: http://www.pipeline.com.au.users/newfound/zip/warp13setup.zip This is quite a large file at 2.1M but worth it. PRIME-17 (and other) versions coming soon. Thanks for the bandwidth folks. comments to me at mailto:newfound@pipeline.com.au Regards, Jim Robertson NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS ________________________________________ Email: newfound@pipeline.com.au http://www.new-elect.com MPLAB compatible PIC programmers. ________________________________________